October Favourites...

November 01, 2012

Aloha Lovlies! Long time no see, (again....oops sorry!). I promise there will be more regular blog posts coming up! Anyway, on with my October Favourites. October has gone so quickly and I cannot believe it's November already (whhhaatt?) I don't have too many favourites this month but that's probably a good thing as I always seem to ramble on in my favourites posts.

001.Models Own Trio.
I love the colours in this trio which I picked up in TKmaxx for the most bargainous price of £6. I think the colours are perfect for autumn/winter and I have re-painted my nails with them many a time.

002. Primark Home Cinnamon Clove Scented Candle. I have never bought a candle from Primark before, but after smelling this and seeing the uber cute snowflake design on the top, I couldn't resist. It was a bargain at only £1.50!

003. Etre Natural Beauty Nail File (buy kit here). I love this nail file as it has different levels of abrasiveness. I especially like the buffing one as it leaves your nails beautifully soft and shiny. I use this along with the Etre Cuticle Oil for extra softness.

004. Topshop Cream Blush in 'Head Over Heels' (buy here). When I bought this blush I loved the colour but found it a bit of a faf to use. I left it and didn't use it much for a bit, but this month I have re-discovered my love for it. The colour is beautiful and it is actually really easy to apply. I use a dense brush and just dot a little my cheeks and blend. I don't think you get much product for the price though.

005. Now this a bit of a random one, but I received my new phone a couple of days ago and have fallen in love with it. It is the Samsung Galaxy S2. It is feels and works a bit like an Iphone (which I refuse to pay the extortionate price for) and it is far cheaper. I am no phone expert, but in simple terms, it is bloody brilliant! 

Two Necklaces which I have been LOVING this month are:
this H&M gold necklace which is so versatile and was an absolute bargain at only £3.99, and...

                    this Topshop skull necklace which is beautiful and was a bargain
                                              as I picked it up in the sale for £3.50!

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  1. love your favorites, i'm a new follower now too:)
    check out my blog i just did my october favorites:)

  2. Love those necklaces! they're fab
    Follow each other? I've followed you :)


  3. I have just come across your blog and I am so happy I did, I love it! Your banner is amazing, did you make it yourself?:-) xo


    1. Thank you so much! Yes I did actually haha! xo

  4. I adore Primark's candles! I love those necklaces too.
    ablogbyabbie.blogspot.co.uk X

    1. This one is such a good buy it smells AMAZING! xo

  5. I love the necklace from h&m, I've been looking for it for ages now what h&m did you find it at?


    1. Just my local one! It took me a while to find it too, just keep hunting! xo


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