Company Blogger Awards + Update

April 08, 2014

Hi there internet - long time no speak...

I'm aware I've been a bit M.I.A at the moment, but I do have a very good reason! As many of you will know, in the UK (i'm not sure if this goes for the rest of the world - let me know!), the period between about April and June is exam season. This is obviously where people who are doing  GCSE's, A- Levels and Uni all sit exams (duh...!) and it appears its my turn to do so. This means that blog posts have been a bit few and far between at the moment, and will continue to do so for a month or so. I will be trying to schedule posts to go up for you all but unfortunately studying has to take pride of place at the moment *sobs*. I hope you all understand and I am very much looking forward to my exam free summer in which I can post till my hearts content!

Company Blogger Awards

For the first time I've entered my blog into the Company Blogger Awards 2014 under best teen blog (under 18's). I'm not expecting to do very well but I would be more than overjoyed if even one of you votes for me. I believe you can vote internationally so if you would like to do so just go here or click the image below and enter your email address and my blog URL. It would mean the world and I really appreciate all your support!

Thank you for all your support x                                                                           

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