Shoes from the unexpected...

August 27, 2012

So a lot if us will probably buy are shoes from Topshop, New Look, Office, H&M etc. but I have found a pair of beautiful pair of shoes from a place you wouldn't expect. Good old Marks and Spencer. I agree, a majority of their shoes are not aimed at the younger generation, but if you look you can find a gem. I saw these in the Autograph range for M&S and fell in love with them. They might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I suppose that's why I like them. They're quirky. They feel really good quality and they are really comfy. Annoyingly, when my feet stoopped growing they deccided to halt at a 5 and a 1/2. This means I find it difficult to buy many shoes that fit properly, but M&S do half sizes so it make for a much better fit! They were £45 but totally worth the money.

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