I'm off on a little adventure...

August 03, 2012

So over the next to weeks I will not be blogging *cry*, but fear not my lovelies, I am not abandoning you I am just going on holiday! Despite that fact that in this 21st century world we live in we have Ipads, phones with internet, laptops and tablets, one thing that lets it all down is the fact that none of them work without a signal or a flippin' internet connection. I am off to a world free of these things for 2 weeks, but will be glad to return to my blogging when I get back. If I can get the faintest bit of phone signal I will try and send the odd tweet. If not then I shall see you all soon! I leave you with my some what amusing images of my packing. I have a reputation of 'overpacking', although I like to call it 'being prepared for anything.' Anyway toodlepip and love you all! x x x

Do you think I've packed enough? The case has another huge compartment behind all of the bags!

This is after the 5th attempt of trying to shut the case...

*hurrah* the case is finally shut! (although I did have to sit on it first!)

My holiday make-up. I'm trying to keep it to the minimal, but I wouldn't call 7 lip products minimal.

Fear not I am leaving you with a hint of beauty! I have been wanting to show these products since I got them as I think they are amazing, and seeing as they are in my holiday make-up bag I thought I would show them to you!

Sleek Make-Up Brow Kit RRP £12.99 Superdrug and Topshop Cream blush in 'Head Over Heels' £6 from Topshop.


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  1. Better to over pack than under pack! Hope you have a great time!

  2. Have a great time! :)
    I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award, hope you check it out :)


    Georgia x

    1. Thank you SO much for nominating me, it means a lot! I will b sure to do the soon, x x x


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