January 07, 2018
It's been a while since I've posted round here, and when's a better time to start than a new year? A new year normally calls for a fresh start, particularly in terms of a re-vamp in style. Slight problem is I'm a poor student who sadly needs to spend their money on food, alcohol (debatable as to whether this one is a necessity) and rent, instead of clothes. The current attitude towards my wardrobe is; if it worked in 2017, I'm taking it into the new year.
I spent a lot of Christmas in a combo of baggy sweatshirts and adidas leggings, so actually getting dressed properly has been something to enjoy recently. I've worn these polka dot trousers from Missguided to death in the last few months. They are such a versatile piece that instantly make you look like you've made en effort, even when in reality you've probably just thrown them on and rolled into a 9am lecture hungover. Being what I like to call a 'fashion student twat' means I never wear a coat and am constantly cold, but when a leather jacket is the perfect piece to go with everything, you learn to suffer for your art (dont' take my advice, its stupid).
Shirt - ZARA // Trousers - Missguided // Jacket - Missguided* // Shoes - Topshop