The Coat
January 25, 2015
On those days when the air is cold and the wind has an icy chill, you need a good coat to keep you warm. However, some of the prettiest coats aren't always the most practical. I think I've found a middle ground in this beautiful ASOS wool green coat though. Whilst being pretty, it also does actually keep you warm, which in a British January is something you really need! Most of the time I also wrap myself it what I like to call my 'blanket scarf, just for that extra added bit of warmth. The key to looking good whilst staying warm in winter is layers, layers, layers!
Coat- ASOS (Depop) / Jumper- Zara / Jeans- ASOS / Boots - Topshop / Scarf- Zara
What a great coat! Love the vintage feel and it looks so warm and cozy. Fabulous scarf too :)