The Blogging World
August 16, 2014I don't really know where I am going with or why I am doing this post, but I feel I need to write my thoughts down as I have been thinking about this topic for a while.
What I want to address today is Blogging. The blogging/vlogging world has become an ever expanding and quickly growing place. There are so many people doing the same thing it feels hard to stand out from the crowd. I was reading Alix's post this morning in which she talks about the pressures that bloggers such as herself put on themselves to produce the best, most flashily edited content possible and it got me thinking. What was once a place where people would upload pictures from their phones just wanting to share with other people of the same interests what they were wearing that day, has now become a place where you are expected to have all the fancy equipment such as a DSLR and a fancy laptop from the outset, otherwise your might as well not even bother because you feel as if you have to compete with what is out there already.
When I started Love Vintage I didn't watch YouTube, or read that many blogs for that matter. I just enjoyed writing, liked fashion and when someone said to me one day in the December of 2011 'You should start a blog', I did. Not for anyone else in particular, but for myself. I enjoyed writing blog posts and taking pictures on my 3 megapixel camera phone - it made me happy. I didn't have a schedule or know anything about how to take a proper picture, but I just did what made me happy and what I would like to read. Another thing people are often bothered about is followers. I for one am not too bothered about it at all though. I have a small but very nice following of people that read my blog. I would rather have 100 people that read, commented and communicated with me , than 10,000 people who didn't really care.
It's the same with YouTube. When I first discovered the amazing world of YouTube, massive vloggers such as Zoella only had 80,000-100,000 subscribers and now she is beyond 5 million in the space of 2 years. With all the new people that have discovered this world comes the pressure to produce content that is better than everyone elses. I enjoy doing things to the best of my ability but sometimes you have to remember why you blog. Is it because you're making you happy or because you're trying to please far to many people?
This is not me ranting about this world because I for one love it, I am merely putting down onto my space on the internet how I feel about something , just like I used to. If you're not a blogger this might sound odd but if you are then I hope you kind of understand where I am coming from. If you are a blogger that finds it difficult then because of these new pressures then I will leave you with this. If it makes you happy then thats all that matters. If it doesn't then leave it come back to it and try again and I'm sure people will understand. After all you should be doing it for yourself and doing what you like as that will eventually make you stand out for who you are.