Christmas with Nuxe...

December 18, 2013

Welcome to the first day of my 'Blog Before Christmas' series in which I shall be blogging every day until Christmas! Blogmas felt a bit too much for me as I just dont have the time in my life to be able to write something worth reading every single day, so a week seems more manageable and allows the content to be of a better quality! Anyhow, on with the post...


Nuxe is a French Skincare brand that I have found popping up here and there around the bloggersphere, but I've never actually tried anything from them. After hearing about the amazing Christmas offers they were putting on for their 12 days of Christmas event, I just couldn't help but buy an early little present for myself...! 

The Reve de Miel lip bam is something that has always interested me, but at £9.50, I'm not quite sure I can justify buying it. However, when I came across the Reve de Miel in stick form for only £5.50 and they were on by one get one free - I thought it was a bargain too good to miss. Oh, and did I mention the 15% off code, free next day delivery, pack of samples and 2 free miniatures all for a mere £4.68!? Absolute bargain!


I have only been using the balm for a day or so so can't really give a full review on it, but It feels nice enough. I've heard mixed reviews about it so I look forward to trialling it some more. Make sure to check out to grab yourself some Christmas bargains! 

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  1. I love Nuxe! Their lip balm is always in my desk at work- the scent is so nice! xo



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