Happy 1st Birthday Love Vintage!
December 27, 2012Aloha Lovelies!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and spent lots of time eating and being merry! I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in a while, life has just been so busy at the moment that I simply haven't had the time, but in the new year I promise I'll get back into the swing of things!
Today is a very significant day because on this very day 1 year ago, I had the idea of starting a blog. Before I started blogging I didn't watch YouTube videos or read anyone else's blogs, I just had a love for creating outfits and messing around with make up looks. I started Love Vintage because I just wanted to post pictures and natter about what I had a passion for, and little did I know that it was going to be a success and that anybody would even read it. I just did it for me because I enjoyed it and I still would hope it is that way. All I can say to you guys is thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read about my crazy little ideas and babble about the things I like! So Happy Birthday Love Vintage, I can't believe you're 1 already!