Aloha YouTube...
September 03, 2012So after wanting to start a channel of my own for a while now, today I finally took the plunge and uploaded my first video. As a first attempt I would say it's okay- (a couple of editing mistakes here and there but we can live with that!) and I am really looking forward to making more videos. Like my blog, I want to keep my YouTube channel anonymous by not showing my face, but I will be doing videos such as lookbooks and hauls, but just not in the 'normal' format. I'd like to bring something different to the world of YouTubing so I hope with my vintage inspired videos people will be able to share my passion with me. Now, I understand that I will not get thousands of views overnight, but like my blog, I just love to make videos and posts! I would appreciate it so much if my wonderful followers would subscribe to my new channel and watch the videos to come! Lots of love my lovelies and enjoy!