The collar obsession...
June 16, 2012
So today as I trundled my way around Primark I noticed this beautiful blouse/top reduced from £10 to £5. My first thoughts were 'AHHHHHHHHHH' as I had seen this top on other bloggers Primark Hauls. It is so cute with it's pleats and the pastel lemon colour is just adorable. One of the biggest selling points for me (other than the amazing price!) was the collar. At the moment I think I have quite a big obsession with collars (as you will see in blog posts to come...) and I just thought that overall it was an amazing top. Pairing it with a pleated pastel skirt and belt, and adding a vintage style knitted cardi, makes this outfit uber cute! Skirt £19.99 New Look Top £5 Primark Belt Primark and Cardi Hobbs.