The Classics...

May 11, 2014


I seemed to forget about these images until I found them on a memory card recently! Clearly these were taken a few weeks ago before Britain's weather decided to stop making up its mind any more, however I thought I would share them with you anyway! This outfit had a few of the classics in it. A classic white shirt paired with a classic red lip - we'll thank MAC's Ruby Woo for that. I really enjoyed wearing this as it is very casual but made me feel 'put together' at the same time. It would be lovely if the sun could show it's face for more than 5 minutes so I can please where this outfit again - thanks.

Shirt- Vintage, Shorts- Car Boot, Belt- Zara, Bag- Primark, Boots- Topshop and Rings- Topshop, H&M and Primark.

How To Cope With Exams...

May 05, 2014

Taking exams is just a part of life, but it can be a very stressful period in time. Whether in school, college or uni - exams can sometimes leave people feeling a little fragile, and I think it's best to take some 'me time' in order to do the best you can! I'm a believer in that if you look after yourself, you can achieve far better. 


1. Scheduled Revision Times
Now, I'm one of those people that finds revision so hard! I literally have the attention span of a 2 year old boy when I try and revise and that's why I find it easiest to scheduled in what I'm going to revise, for how long and when. Also taking regular 5 minute breaks can mean that you are not getting bored too easily. I also think it's best not to push yourself too far. If you feel to tired and like you won't retain any information, then don't revise. Just do it when you feel most able too! I also find revising with someone really makes me more motivated.

2. Have a bath
Having a bath can do wonders for a stressed mind. Switch off any distractions, light a candle and use some products which really pamper you. I have this Lush Blackberry Bath Bomb. It smells divine and will just make you feel all that bit calmer. Alternatively, if you need something to wake you up in the morning before an exam, use Lush Woosh Shower Jelly to get your senses going and feeling awake!

3. Face masks
When we're stressed our skin can sometimes not look it's best, so this is where face maks are your new best friend. As well as just being a nice calming treat, getting one that can target your specific skin problem can really help and just make you feel a bit more confident when you need. I love the Lush Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask. It feels so cooling and just generally makes my skin feel lovely!

4. Aromatherapy
The power of smells in stressful situations can be amazing. Just a spritz of Lush Au Roma Water can make me feel calmer in an instant! Also it can fit really well into your handbag for a quick spray before you go into the exam room!

So there are my few tips for coping with exam season. Sorry if the blog posts are a bit few and far between recently. My last exam is on June 18th so I will be getting back into the full swing of things after that! Now I should probably go back to the revision now ...wish me luck! And good luck to any of you taking exams soon!